KUBUS: Archicad Beginner workshop, pizza session

KUBUS: Archicad Beginner workshop, pizza session

This workshop is organized by KUBUS and will be all about learning how to use Archicad. The beginner workshop is for anyone new to the software. During the workshop it will be demonstrated how to make a simple house in ArchiCad. Besides this, you will get a free pizza so there is no good reason not to join. It will start at 18:00 and will be at the KUBUS office in Eindhoven.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to download the software before the workshop this can be done using this link: https://myarchicad.graphisoft.com/

If you have questions or trouble signing up, please email cvr@cheops.cc

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Event details

Start date 11-10-2022
Start time 18:00:00