BBD 1-on-1 interview

BBD 1-on-1 interview

The 1-on-1 interviews will take place on Wednesday the 23rd of November from 08:45 till 12:15.

Looking for an internship, a graduation company, or just wanting to gain some practical knowledge in the field? This is your moment to get a more formal, private talk with the representatives of a company of your interest. Every interview will last 15 minutes in which you can present yourself and ask all the questions you want to ask the companies. It could possibly be your first contact moment with your future employer!

During the 1-on-1 interviews this year, you can choose between 19 participating companies. You are able to subscribe to as many companies as you want. However, due to limited capacity and to provide everyone equal chances, the companies will select and invite students for a 1-on-1 interview based on the number of received registrations and the CV’s that students have sent. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have you’re CV checked by TU/e Career Academy before sending it to the companies. You can ‘send’ your CV to companies by uploading your CV to your profile within the registration portal, on which you can also subscribe to the companies for the 1-on-1 interviews.

By attending this event you can earn 1 MyFuture point!

The subscriptions for the 1-on-1 interviews are currently open and close November 16th. Subscribe via:

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Event details

Start date 23-11-2022
Start time 08:45:00